Some Tips on Securing web based application (Struts
-2, Mysql, Hibernate, JBoss 7.0.2)
1. AUTOComplete OFF
Add autocomplete=’’off” tag in form tag to prevent auto-fill user credentials in the form.
2. Session Time out implementation: Session time
2. Session Time out implementation: Session time
3. Brute force attack:
If your
application has any login/password screen then there is a possibility for brute
force attack if you have not implemented captcha or blocking of user after some
unsuccessful login attempts. There could be many solution to solve that issue:
a. Introduced
captcha in login/password screen
b. After
two-three unsuccessful attempt, ask user to fill up a captcha screen.
c. Block the
user after certain unsuccessful attempt and unblock him through administrative
user or automatically after certain period of time.
Point to remember before implementing any of the above
Solution (a) will
be easy to implement but it will be inconvenient to user if application is
regularly used by him/her and application is only for some restricted user set
for example for an Organization.
Solution (b)
would be a good fit, mainly popular site like gmail, yahoomail etc. use it but
then one has to make sure that user should not be allowed to attempt again by
changing the session either by opening application in new tab of browser or
opening in different browser.
Solution (c) is
more apt if application is quite sensitive and we really do not want user to
try more then specified number of time. Again solution should take care of new
sessions and different browsers.
We have implemented a database based solution where we
kept failure information of a user in database and updated it based on
successful login or reset it after certain period.
4. Insecure Direct Object References:
functionalities/pages which need to be accessed through application flow are
directly accessible by providing their URI in the address bar i.e. directly
going to a particular page through change in its object id from URL. It is
observed for most of the functions, the attackers can manipulate these
references to access unauthorized data without any access control check or
other protection. The Forward & Back button can also be used to access the
function directly bypassing the application flow.
this code in .java file to disable back button in default interceptor.
5. Absolute path disclosure/Path
traversal is possible:
displays the absolute path for all the function/objects which may be misused
for getting the access of even those functions which needs to be protected by
application flow & access to be allowed only to authenticated &
authorized users which are supposed to use these. The attacker can manipulate
the parameter to access the pages directly.
There could be
two solutions for it:
- Masked actual URL with some fixed URL (I have seen this in many site but could not implement it.)
- Implement role based access control on particular page access. In case of struts one can extract the role from session which can be populated at the time of login. In default interceptor check user’s role and corresponding allowed action. If called action is not allowed then throw user on login screen.
6. Failure to Restrict URL Access:
No check is
implemented in the application to restrict the access of protected links as web
application is not checking the URL access rights before rendering protected
links and buttons. As observed the lower level user e.g. tester not having the
access link to functions related to admin as add, modify or delete the
user/role etc. can directly access & use these functionality through
supplying the URL address of these pages in the address bar without any
authorization check.
This point would be solved if one implements solution
2 of point 5.
7. Application Error message/ Exception handling:
Application is
unable to handle the exceptions/ Runtime error as it displays the error message
showing the details of platform info & database structure which may be
misused by the attackers. Application error messages reveal the server details.
Different webserver handle this differently. In JBOSS
we have handled it through web.xml of application. We have put checks for
500,404 and thrown a error page.
8. Cross-Site Request Forgery:
The same request
was sent twice in different sessions and the same response was received. This
shows that none of the parameters are dynamic (session identifiers are sent
only in cookies) and therefore that the application is vulnerable to this
If all points from 1-10 are rectified. This issue will
be automatically addressed.
9. Client-Side (JavaScript) Cookie
Appscan found a
reference to cookies in the JavaScript. The complete logic of cookie generation
is available to client which can easily be retrieved & misused. Remove
business and security logic from the client side
10. Insecure HTTP Methods Enabled:
It is possible
to upload, modify or delete web pages, scripts and files on the web server. The
Allow header revealed that hazardous HTTP Options are allowed, indicating that
WebDAV is enabled on the server which means GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE,
TRACE, OPTIONS are permitted. Disable WebDAV, or disallow unneeded HTTP methods
Make below changes in web.xml and above issue will be
resolved. This is a specific solution for JBoss. Tomcat and other server
provide some other mechanism to solve this issue.